Saturday, December 13, 2008

Iran erupts in anger over Gaza tragedy

TEHRAN - Hundreds of thousands of Iranians took to the streets across the country after Friday prayers to show their anger over the miserable conditions in the Gaza Strip.

About 1.5 million Gaza residents have been suffering as Israel have blocked all food, medicine and fuel shipments to the coastal territory. Iranian demonstrators blasted international bodies such as the UN, human rights organizations and the Islamic states especially Arab countries for failing to act in the face of Israel's inhumane behavior. Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami told worshipers in Tehran that the UN Human Rights Council was established to defend human rights. Criticizing the UN rights body for being inactive, he asked: “Are 1.5 million people in Gaza not humans? Releasing statements and expressing regret does not solve any problem, Khatami noted. The cleric called on 57-strong Organization of the Islamic Conference to mobilize Muslims against Zionists. Majlis speaker Ali Larijani who had joined the protestors along with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the silence of the Arab countries on the agonies of Palestinians would “hurt” these countries as he said political and religious activists are losing their patience over the inaction of their governments toward Israel. “If the leaders of these countries remain silent, they in a sense have expressed their illegitimacy,” Larijani told ISNA. Egypt as the only country which borders the Gaza Strip refuses to open its border to send relief aids to Gaza. Mostapha al-Savaf, the editor of the newspaper Palestine in Gaza, says the Cairo officials are not unhappy with what he called a “gradual execution” of 1.5 million Gazans in order to prevent the victory of Islamists in Egypt. Al-Savaf told the Mehr News Agency that the pressure on the people in Gaza is meant to force the Hamas movement to “soften” its position toward Israel. The intensification of the Gaza siege happened despite the fact that the Israeli President Shimon Peres participated in the UN Interfaith Dialogue conference on November 12-13 which was initiated by Saudi Arabia. Lebanese University professor Yassin Souyeh says, “All Arab regimes are acting in line with the interests of the usurper enemy (Israel) by keeping silence about the crimes” in the Gaza Strip. It seems that Arab leaders don’t like to “see” or even “hear” the “bitter realities” in the Gaza Strip, Souyeh told the MNA. The collective punishment of Palestinians began after they voted overwhelmingly for Hamas in democratic parliamentary election in January 2006. The Hamas government and Gaza residents came under pressure from all sides after the election. The European Union and the U.S. which always advise other countries on democracy and human rights also cut their financial help to Palestinians in order to depress Palestinians for electing Hamas as their government. Western countries claim Israel is the only democratic state in the Middle East which observes human rights. However, these countries closed their eyes to the sufferings of children and women in Gaza who suffer from the brutal measures of Israel. After the January 2006 election, the Fatah faction, led by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, also put extreme pressure on the Hamas government. Even an agreement by Hamas to form a unity cabinet with Fatah did not satisfy Fatah to lessen its pressure on Hamas. And finally the PA chief dismissed the government of Ismail Haniya. ------Zionist crimes aimed at manipulating Palestinian elections Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told reporters the recent crimes perpetrated by the Zionist regime are meant to manipulate the elections in Palestine. Abbas's term ends on January 9. However, the Fatah faction plans to postpone presidential elections until parliamentary election in January 2010. Hamas has warned that any extension of Abbas’ presidency will be illegal. Abbas has threatened to call snap elections in the new year if his Fatah party cannot resolve a fractious split with Hamas. Hamas has said that under the Palestinian constitution Abbas does not have the power to dissolve parliament before its term expires in January 2010. ------Israel on the road to extinction Ahmadinejad said that the disappearance of the Zionist regime is imminent. The Zionist regime has perpetrated its recent criminal acts as it is fully aware that the game is over and that it is on the road to extinction, Ahmadinejad predicted. “The Zionist regime has lost all its motivation and philosophy of existence so that all of the global powers and supporters have become uncertain of supporting this regime”, Ahmadinejad noted. He pointed out that the regime’s increasing attacks on the Gaza strip is just an effort to extend its term for some time.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Asian Mayors Forum in Milad tower(The fourth highest tower in world)

Asian mayors meet in Tehran

TEHRAN, Nov. 19 (MNA) - Tehran Mayor Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf announced on Wednesday that the Asian mayors meeting in Tehran is the beginning of efforts to establish more contacts between nations.
The first Asian Mayors Forum opened on Wednesday at Milad Tower. A total of 44 mayors from 33 Asian countries are participating in the conference. Representatives from the UN, the EU, the OIC, ECO, and many other international bodies are attending the conference.

“The Asian mayors’ warm welcome of the meeting is a sign of the desire of citizens to develop relations between nations,” Qalibaf told the participants.

The Tehran mayor said he is proud that he is hosting dignitaries and representatives from great Asian cities in the conference.

He said Tehran hosts many conferences and international exhibitions every year but the Asian mayors meeting is of particular importance, as it is expected that experiences exchanged in the meeting will help develop cooperation through the establishment of constructive and friendly relations between city managers with the aim of improving the standard of living throughout Asia.

“Today is a historic day for Asia. Many mayors and city officials from large Asian cities have gathered in Tehran at the Milad Tower, which is the symbol of modern Tehran, to reaffirm their commitment to make every effort to build a better future for Asian citizens and to develop a new path for cooperation in this rich and colorful continent,” Qalibaf added.
He expressed his appreciation to all the participants for attending the Tehran forum and also thanked Asian parliaments, especially the government and parliament of Iran, for their support for the Tehran Municipality’s initiative to hold the meeting.

Qalibaf said the Asian Mayors Forum is just a starting point and their efforts to improve the standard of living and promote shared Asian values will accelerate day by day.

He stated that meeting society’s demands requires a cooperative approach and that the nature of global developments leaves no room for unilateral moves.

Common objectives have made modern man seek peace, security, justice, equality, welfare, sustainable development, democracy, and the rule of law, Qalibaf said.

“City management in Asia can be based on collective wisdom and common local examples. The Asian Mayors Forum in Tehran is being held with the aim of opening a new dialogue for city management and interaction among Asian citizens,” he added.

The diverse challenges Asian cities are facing necessitate dialogue on efficient management, he said, noting that resolving problems requires innovation on the one hand and learning from successful experiences on the other hand.

The mayor of Tehran added that the rapid process of urbanization has drawn attention to ways to develop cities.

The issue of sustainable development of cities, which is discussed in many academic venues, is a strategy for creating equality between citizens and all future generations, and sustainable development means prosperity for people living in urban areas, he noted.

What makes Asia powerful, developed, and influential in the world is its integration in all issues related to urban life, he observed.

In light of such integration, Asia is able to have a positive influence on current events, Qalibaf added.

To develop their capacity, Asian megacities should prioritize improving infrastructure in all spheres, including tourism, the economy, and technology, he said.

He emphasized that achieving integration among governments requires integration among citizens.

The establishment of the Asian Mayors Forum will definitely help all the cities improve their urban management, the Tehran mayor said.

Qalibaf also stated that the Tehran Municipality is prepared to establish a secretariat for the Asian Mayors Forum in Tehran.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

psychology of handwriting............روانشناسی دست خط

هر چقدر حروف شیب دارتر نوشته شوند نشانه احساساتی تر بودن نویسنده آن است. حروف عمود نشانه عقل گرایی می باشد.
هر چقدر حروف شیب دارتر نوشته شوند، نویسنده خشن تر است.
کسی که حروف را بزرگ و کوچک می نویسد، زود هیجان زده می شود.
کسی که صعودی می نویسد، آدم خوشحالی است. در مقابل نزولی نوشتن نشانه روحیه سرخورده نویسنده است.
هر چقدر منحنیها زیباتر نوشته شوند، نویسنده از روحیه لطیف تری برخوردار است.
کسانی مه حروف را توی هم و فشرده می نویسند، آدمهای خسیسی هستند.
کسانی که حروف را بلند می نویسند، افراد مغروری هستند.

کسانی که خطوط را می کشنند و قلم را زیادی فشار می دهند، آدمهای با اراده ای هستند.
کسانی که ساده و بدون پیچ و خم اضافی می نویسند، افراد باهوشی هستند.
کسانی که گذاشتن نقطه، سرکش یا مد را فراموش می کنند، افراد نا منظم و گیج هستند
Space is highly important for us. For example, when we speak, according to what we are saying and to how important the listener is, instintively we place within a well defined space, very close to the interlocutor, if we consider him as a friend and we’re talking confidentially, or on the contrary, more distant if we consider him a stranger we won’t give our confidence to.
The concept of “space” has no spoken rules but, however instinctive, these rules are universal, and everyone tends to defend their own “inner area” or “personal sphere”, that is the space immediately close to them.
It is easy to find an example of that. An empty bus gets to the bus stop where some people are waiting: they get into the bus and sit down... But nobody is close to someone else, but at least two-seat distant. At the next bust stop some other people take the bus and respecting one’s own space is no longer possible, because of the crowd; and so a diseased expression appears of people’s face, but they dominate this feeling because of circumstances.

In the same way, this idea of “space” is automatically reflected into all our actions putting ourselves in relationship with the others. Consequently, also when we write.
The sheet thus represents the available space for us and the graphic gesture reflects our way to move within this space. There are four symbolic directions on the sheet, we can act within, which is shown by the graphic gesture: high, low, right and left.
High: is related to ideal, to imagination, and in a wider way, to infinity. Since older times, man has placed highward his idealof elevation, of divine, considering the sky as the greatest symbol of spiriti and of ideal.
Low: is the symbol of the ground which, on the contrary, is something concrete, reliable, touchable, and this way it represents the matter, the common sense, and in a wider way, the dark preceeding the life, so the unconsciousness and the instinct.
Left is the area related to the past, the mother who gave us birth, our origin,
Right on the contrary stands for others, the future, the father

An “ascending” handwriting shows initiative, ambition, aggressivity, optimism, a push to get oneself better and to change reality in a positive way. If it is too ascending, it indicates a detachment from reality, shifting into intrusiveness and nerve.
A “descending” handwriting shows a tendency to suffer environmental pressure, to accept others’ requests, to not take initiative. These people tend to be gloomy and to renounce.
An “adherent” handwriting shows the availability to cooperate with the environment, to be realistic, but not too enterprising, lacking in initiative.
Dimension: it concerns the width and the height of some letters measured inside the word (a-o-d-g-q).
Wide, narrow letters, expanded: when the width and the heigh of the eyelet are proportioned, there is the “wide letters” sign, which indicates a deep and rational intelligence, the capability to elaborate ideas, mental concentration, deep feelings, scientific abilities.
If the height is greater than the width, there is the “narrow letters” sign, which indicates sharp but instinctive and superficial intuition, lack of deepening, little tendency toward science, interest for politics, easily bothering, need of stimuli and intense sensations.
On the other hand, if the height is lesser than the width, there is the “expanded” sign, which indicates an introverted temper and tendency to fancy.
The “small” and the “large” handwriting: the height of handwriting ranges between 8 and 120 dmm. A “small” handwriting indicates capability to observe, bright intelligence, intese attention, easly memorized details, respect for others’ personality. If it is too small, though, it projects an inferiority complex due to the feeling of being a lesser right subject.
The “large” handwriting indicates the incapability to observe in details, tendnecy to evaluate situations as a whole, lack in sesne of duty and dependence upon others’ judgement and critics.
The “fluctuating” hadwriting projects instability in emotions, shifting moods, fluctuation between safety and depression, the tendency to work according to the mood of the moment, and it also indicates a disposition toward musical and theatrical interpretation.
The “reducing” handwriting shows a progressively small word. It is a rare sign, revealing the tendency to depression.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

حجاب..................... Hijab

Many Muslims around the world practice hijab, which is Arabic for cover, but is extended to mean modesty and privacy. For non-Muslims, hijab is most often associated with the modest clothing that Muslim women wear. In actuality, hijab is practiced by both men and women, and includes other requirements of modest behavior. Muslims follow the rules of hijab to show their submission to and love for God.

حجاب زنان مسلمان

Don't be sad.............!!!!!!!!!

And say: "So patiently persevere: for verily the promise of God is true." [30;60]
The Past is gone forever, Today is all you have
The Past is gone:
By brooding over the past and its tragedies, one evinces a form of insanity - a kind of sickness that destroys resolve to live for the present moment. Those who have a firm purpose have filed away and forgotten occurrences of the past, which will never see the light again, since they occupy such a dark place in the recesses of the mind. Episodes of the past are finished with; sadness cannot retrieve them, melancholy cannot make things right, and depression will never bring the past back to life. This is because the past is non-existent. Do not live in the nightmares of former times or under the shade of what you have missed. Save yourself from the ghostly apparition of the past. Do you think that you can return the sun to its place of rising, the baby to its mother’s womb, milk to the udder, or tears to the eye? By constantly dwelling on the past and its happenings, you place yourself in a very frightful and tragic state of mind. Reading too much into the past is a waste of the present. When Allah mentioned the affairs of the previous nations, He said: "That was a nation who has passed away."[Surah al-Baqarah; 2:134]Our tragedy is that we are incapable of dealing with the present: neglecting our beautiful castles, we wail over dilapidated buildings. If every man and every jinn were to try jointly to bring back the past, they would fail because that is an impossibility. Everything on earth marches forward, preparing for a new season and so should you.
Today is all you have :
When you wake up in the morning do not expect to see the evening - live as though today is all that you have. Yesterday has passed with its good and evil, while tomorrow has not yet arrived. Your life’s span is but one day, as if you were born in it and will die at the end of it. With this attitude, you will not be caught between an obsession over the past, with all its anxieties, and the hopes of the future, with all its uncertainty. For today only should you expend energies, concerns, and efforts. In this day you should pray with a wakeful heart, recite the Qur’an with understanding, and remember Allah with sincerity. In this day you should be balanced in your affairs, satisfied with your allotted portion, concerned with your appearance and health.Organise the hours of this day, so that you make years out of minutes and months out of seconds. Seek forgiveness from your Lord, remember Him, prepare for the final parting from this world, and live today happily and at peace. Be content with your sustenance, your wife, your children, your work, your house and your station in life."So hold that which I have given you and be of the grateful."[Surah Al-A’raf; Ayah 144]Live today free from sorrow, bother, anger, jealousy, and malice.You must engrave onto your heart one phrase: Today is my only day. If you have eaten warm, fresh bread today, then what does yesterday’s dry, rotten bread and tomorrow’s anticipated bread matter?If you are truthful with yourself and have a firm, solid resolve, you will undoubtedly convince yourself of the following: Today is my last day to live. When you attain this attitude, you will profit from every moment of your day, by developing your personality expanding your abilities, and purifying your deeds.

Monday, September 1, 2008

" Mother's song " * "ترانه مادری "

These recent mounths, Iran television showed a serial which is called " Tarane-ye Madari " . It means " mother 's song ". It was very popular in Iran. Tarane-ye Madari was about two guys Bahram & Pooya. Pooya grew up in south of Iran & Bahram grew up in Tehran.They were brother -a twin one- but they didn't know it . Their parents died in Iran's war and their aunt- Samira- survived and brought them to Tehran and their grand mother took Bahram to his Uncle 's house (maternal uncle) & took Pooya to his aunt's hous(maternal aunt). This secret never revealed till Bahram & Pooya accepted in the same university and saw each other there. they tried to understand the secret but Pooya's mother didn't like to reveal the secret . But finally Samira - their aunt- told them truth.

ماه ها است که هر شب ساعت 11 با سریال زیبا و مشهور " ترانه مادری " سرگرم می شدیم
این سریال, داستان دو برادر است به نام پویا و بهرام . آن ها از این که با هم برادر اند بی خبر هستند. پويا كه شخصيتي سست و وابسته به خانواده دارد به همكلاسي خود علاقه‌مند مي‌شود و همین امر باعث مشکلات زیادی برای او و خانواده اش می شود. بهرام هم پسری شیطون و قابل اعتماد است که مورد بی توجهی مادر و پدر ناتنی خود قرار گرفته . این دو برادر وقتی حقیقت را متوجه میشوند که دایی آن ها یعنی پدر ناتنی بهرام فصد بالا کشیدن خانه بهرام و پویا را دارد. پدر و مادر بهرام و پو یا در جنگ کشته شده بودند و بهرام و پویا در خانه خاله و دایی شان بزرگ شده بودند و در تمام عمر خود همدیگر را ندیده بودند تا این که با تدبیر مادر بزرگشان در یک دانشگاه قبول شدند و به این ترتیب راز برادر بودن آن ها اندک اندک فاش شد.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

قهــــــــــــــــرمان جهـــــــــــــان

Congratulation & thanks Hadi Saei

Saei did a great job in Beijing and got a valuable medal in the final game.
Saei has become the Iranian Olympic athlete with the best medals ever, bagging two gold medals and one bronze.

زندگينامه هادي ساعي

هادی ساعی بیستم خردادماه 1355 در شهرری متولد شد . وي كه فرزند اول خانواده است، تمرین تکواندو را از 7 سالگی آغاز کرد و
از رده سنی نوجوانان تاکنون به طور مستمر در تیم ملی تکواندو ایران حضور داشته‌است . وی دارای مدرک کارشناسی تربیت بدنی است.
سوابق ورزشی
جوانمردترین ورزشکار جهان سال 2005
بهترین تکواندوکار جهان سال 2005 از سال 200 تا 2006 -بطور مداوم
بهترین تکواندوکار آسیا سال 2005
مدال طلای مسابقات جهانی سال 2005 اسپانیا
قهرمان قهرمانان ایران (مرد سال ورزش کشور) سال 1383
مدال طلای المپیک آتن سال 2004-

مدال برنز المپیک سیدنی سال 2000
مدال طلای مسابقات جهانی سال 1999
مدال طلای جام جهانی سال 1998 آلمان
مدال طلای جام جهانی سال 2000 فرانسه
مدال طلای جام جهانی سال 2001 ویتنام
مدال طلای جام جهانی سال 2002 ژاپن
مدال طلای مسابقات جهانی ورود به المپیک سیدنی سال 1999 کرواسی
مدال طلای مسابقات آسیا اقیانوسیه سال 2003
مدال طلای مسابقات آسیای بوسان سال 2002
مدال طلای مسابقات آسیایی تایلند 2006
مدال طلای المپیک 2008 پکن

Olympics: Hadi Saei wins Iran's first Beijing gold
Veteran Iranian taekwondo fighter Hadi Saei has claimed Beijing Olympics men's welterweight gold medal by beating Italy's Mauro Sarmiento

Friday, August 15, 2008


برخی از روانشناسان عقيده دارند رنگی که برگزيده و دلخواه کسی است ميتواند گويای خصوصيات اخلاقی و روانشناسی او
باشد.نوشتار زير چکيده ای است که بر اساس اين نظريه و پس از سالهای پژوهش نگاشته شده
قرمز: خوش قلب اما خودپرستاين رنگ مظهر شدت و زياده روی است که گاهی در جهت مخالف آن است. قرمز رنگ عشق و تنفر و
فداكاری و خشونت و خون و آتش. كسی كه به اين رنگ علاقه دارد هرگز نمي تواند در زندگی بی تفاوت باشد .اين گونه اشخاص تند و سركش و در عين حال فعال و شجاع و کمی عجول هستند. احتمال شكست به خصوص در عشق برای آنها فراوان است
دو عيب بزرگ خودپرستی و عدم كنترل، در نفس آنهاست و دو صفت ممتازشان خوش قلبی و حس بزرگ طلبی است. به طور كلی دوستداران رنگ قرمز دارای خصوصيات متضادی هستند.
صورتی: مورد علاقه ديگرانرنگ صورتي درواقع همان قرمز است كه كمرنگ شده باشد. اگر به اين رنگ علاقه داريد تمام صفات رنگ قرمز را كمی ملايمتر دارا می باشيد، با گذشت هستيد و در عشق، تندی نشان نمی دهيد.
ديگران را خوب درك مي كنيد و با اطرافيان خود با ملايمت و لطف رفتار می كنيد و به دليل نشاط و شادابي تان مورد علاقه اطرافيان خود هستيد. آنهايي كه به اين رنگ علاقه دارند اغلب شكستها، خشونتها و دشواري های زندگی را تحمل كرده اند و با مشكلات فراوان مواجه شده اند
آبی: نظم، پشتكار، تنهايیرنگ آبی از رنگهايی است كه طرفداران زيادی دارد. اگر به اين رنگ علاقه داريد، كاملاً می توانيد هوس و احساسات و هيجانات خود را كنتر ل كنيدظاهر آرام شما ديگران را وادار مي كند كه به شما احترام بگذارند و دوست داريد پيوسته مورد احترام و ستايش ديگران قرار بگيريد در خريد و پوشش لباس قناعت می كنيد و به علت شرم و حيا و گاه غروری كه داريد ميل داريد اغلب تنها باشيد. حماقت و عدم فهم ديگران شما را كسل می كند و كسانی كه از نظر هوش و فهم بر شما برتری دارند شما را ناراحت می كنند كارهای خود را از روي نظم و ترتيب و بر پايه قواعد معينی انجام مي دهيد. يكی از صفات مشخص شما پشتكار شماست
ارغوانی: رنگ عارفها و روانگرانرنگ اسرارآميز و باشکوهی است. دوستداران اين رنگ پيوسته مجذوب زيبايی ها و ظرافتها مي شوند و مغرور و اجتماعی هستند. معاشرت با اين دسته لذتبخش است که امور معنوی بيشتر می پردازند. ارغوانی رنگ مورد پسند عرفا نيز هست
قهوه ای: قابل اعتماداگر رنگ قهوه اي را دوست داريد كاملاً می توان روی شما حساب باز كرد. باثبات و مقدس، شاعرپيشه وكمی فيلسوف مآب هستيد به ندرت تغيير عقيده مي دهيد و با آن كه كمتر تصميم می گيريد اما هر بار كه تصميمی بگيريد آن را به مورد عمل می گذاريد . شما كاملاً در نگهداري پول و اسرار ديگران قابل اعتماد هستيد. ميل داريد پيوسته در عالم خودتان باشيد و گاهی اوقات با اطرافيان خود رفتار خشونت آميزی در پيش می گيريد. در عشق هرگز بدبين و تند نيستيد
خاكستری: احساس بی نيازیاين رنگ مظهر چشم پوشي از خوشی های دنياست. كسانی كه به اين رنگ علاقه دارند اغلب در زندگي احساس رضايت می كنند، خاكستری رنگ عقلا است و جوانانی كه به اين رنگ اظهار علاقه می كنند درواقع خود را هم شأن و هم طراز اشخاص کهنسال ميدانند و در زندگي احساس بی نيازی می كنند .در عشق بر افراد مسن تر از خود تمايل دارند و اغلب كسانی كه از نظر فكر و ايده به آنها برتری دارند خيلی آسان طرف توجهشان قرار خواهند گرفت
پرتقالی: صداقت آری، هوسبازی هرگزرنگی است تركيبی و آنهايی كه اين رنگ را رنگ دلخواه خود می دانند متكی به نفس نيستند. اجتماعی و خوش خلقند و با مردم خوب رفتار می كنند نفوذ در اين گونه افراد مشكل است كسی كه آنها را دوست بدارد می تواند با او به آسانی ازدواج كند. هوسباز نيستند و اگر با كسی دوستی كنند صداقت و فداكاری دارند. اگر افراد اين دسته با كسی كه خصوصيات اخلاقی خودشان را داشته باشد ازدواج كنند سعادتمند می شوند
سبز: كنجكاویرنگ سبز طبيعت وتازگی است. اگر به اين رنگ علاقه داريد زندگي با شما آسان است. نقطه اشتراك فراوانی با افراد علاقه مند به رنگ پرتقالی داريد روابط شما با ديگران بر پايه ی اصول و قرارداد است دوست نداريد كه در زندگيتان حوادثی به وقوع پيوندد اما كنجكاوانه به ماجراهای زندگی ديگران توجه داريد.
فيروزه ای: اسرارآميز و پند ناپذيردوستداران اين رنگ اسرارآميزند و احساساتی و كارهای شخصی خود را به خوبی اداره می كنند. پشتكار دارند و باثباتند و به نصايح ديگران در مورد كارهای خود كمتر توجه دارند. فيروزه ای معمولا رنگ مورد علاقه ی خانمها است
سياه: خوش ذوقی و ظرافت طبعاين رنگ برخلاف عقيده ی همگان رنگ نوميدی و عزا نيست بلكه نشانه خوش ذوقی و ظرافت طبع است. اگر از دوستداران اين رنگ هستيد مسلماً به شخصيت اطرافيان خود احترام می گذاريد و برای آن كه ديگران را با ارزش و برجسته نشان دهيد از هيچگونه كمكی به آنها دريغ نمی كنيد و هرگز خود را به ديگران تحميل نمي نماييد همچنين عقايد و نظريات ديگران را به آسانی مي پذيريد
يک نکته ی رنگی :توجه و علاقه شما به رنگها در طی زمان تغيير می كند به دليل آن كه خصوصيات اخلاقيتان نيز در ساليان دراز تغيير خواهد كرد. اما اگر در مورد رنگی ناگهان عقيده خود را عوض كنيد به علت ضعف شما و يا به علت نيازتان به تغيير محيط است
روانشناسی سن
روان شناسانشخصیتی براین عقیده اند که شماره تولد، شما را از آن چیزی که می خواهیدباشید دور نمی کند، بلکه مانند رنگی است که نوع آن و زیبایی اش برای افرادمختلف متفاوت است. به مثال زیر توجه کنید :فرض می کنیم که شما متولد 29 اردیبهشت 1364 هستید.اردیبهشت ماه دوم (2) سال است پس :9=1+8=18=5+9+ 3+1=1395= 1364+2+29شماره تولد 9 است و اکنون می توانید آنچه راکه مربوط به این شماره است با خود مطابقت دهید.تفسیر اعداد:
خالق و مبتکر:''یک''ها پایه و اساس زندگی هستند. همیشه عقاید جدید و بدیع دارند و این حالت درآنها طبیعی است. همیشه دوست دارند تمامی کارها و مسائل بر حول محوری کهآنها می گویند و تعیین می کنند در گردش باشد و چون مبتکر هستند، گاهی خودخواه می شوند. با این حال ''یک'' ها بشدت صادق و وفادارند و به خوبیمهارتهای سیاسی را یاد میگیرند . همیشه دوست دارند حرف اول را بزنند وغالبا رهبر و فرمانده هستند، چون عاشق این هستند که ''بهترین'' باشند . دراستخدام خود بودن و برای خود کار کردن بزرگترین کمک به آنهاست ولی بایدیاد بگیرند عقاید دیگران ممکن است بهتر باشد و باید با رویی باز آنها رانیز بشنوند.
پیام آور صلح :''دو''ها سیاستمدار به دنیا می آیند ! از نیاز دیگران خبر دارند و غالبا پیش ازدیگران به آنها فکر می کنند . اصلا تنهایی را دوست ندارند . دوستی وهمراهی با دیگران برایشان بسیار مهم است و می تواند آنها را به موفقیت درزندگی رهنمون سازد. اما از طرف دیگر ، چنانچه در دوستی با کسی احساسناراحتی کنند ترجیح می دهند تنها باشند.از آنجایی که ذاتا خجالتی هستندباید در تقویت اعتماد به نفس خود تلاش کنند و با استفاده از لحظه ها وفرصت ها آنها را از دست ندهند.
- قلب تپنده زندگی :''سه '' ها ایده آلیست هستند، بسیار فعال،اجتماعی،جذاب،رمانتیک وبسیاربردبار و پر تحمل .خیلی کارها را با هم شروع می کنند اما همه آنها راپیگیری نمی کنند. دوست دارند که دیگران شاد باشند و برای این کار تمامتلاش خود رابه کار می گیرند. بسیار محبوب اجتماعی و ایده آلیست هستند اماباید یاد بگیرند که دنیا را از دید واقعگرایایه تری هم ببینند.
محافظه کار :''چهار''ها بسیار حساس و سنتی هستند. آنها عاشق کارهای روزمره، روتین و پیرو نظم وانضباط هستند و تنها زمانی وارد عمل می شوند که دقیقا بدانند چه کاری بایدانجام دهند. به سختی کار و تلاش می کنند. عاشق طبیعت و محیط خارج از خانههستند. بسیار مقاوم و با پشتکار هستند. اما باید یاد بگیرند که انعطافپذیری بیشتری داشته و با خود مهربانتر باشند.
ناهماهنگ با جماعت :''پنج''ها جهانگرد هستند و کنجکاوی ذاتی، خطر پذیری و اشتیاق سیری ناپذیر آنها بهجهان هستی و دیدن محیط اطراف خود،غالبا برایشان درد سر ساز می شود. آنهاعاشق تنوع هستند ودوست ندارند مانند درخت در یک جا ثابت بمانند. تمام دنیامدرسه آنهاست و در هر موقعیتی به دنبال یادگیری هستند. سوالات آنها هرگزتمام نمی شود. آنها به خوبی یاد گرفته اند که قبل از اقدام به عمل، تمامیجوانب کار را سنجیده و مطمئن شوند که پیش از نتیجه گیری ،تمامی حقایق رامد نظر قرار داده اند.
رمانتیک و احساساتی :''شش'' ها ایده آلیست هستند و زمانی خوشحال می شوند که احساس مفید بودنکنند. یک رابطه خانوادگی بسیار محکم برای آنها از اهمیت ویژه ای برخورداراست. اعمالشان بر تصمیم گیری هایشان موثر است و آنها حس غریب برای مراقبتاز دیگران و کمک به آنها دارند. بسیار وفادار و صادق بوده و معلمان بزرگیمی شوند. عاشق هنرو موسیقی هستند. دوستانی صادق و در دوستی ثابت قدمهستند.''شش'' ها باید بین چیزهایی که می توانند آنها را تغییر دهند وچیزهایی که نمی توانند، تفاوت قائل شوند.
عاقل و خردمند :''هفت''ها جستجو گر هستند. آنها همیشه به دنبال اطلاعات پنهان و مخفی بوده و بهسختی اطلاعات به دست آمده را با ارزش حقیقی آن می پذیرند.احساسات هیچارتباطی با تصمیم گیری های آنها ندارد. با اینکه در مورد همه چیز در زندگیسوال می کنند اما دوست ندارند مورد پرسش واقع شوند و هیچگاه کاری را ابتدابه ساکن با سرعت شروع نمی کنند و شعارآنها این است که به آرامی می توانمسابقه را برد. آنها فیلسوفهای آینده هستند؛ طالبان علم که به هر چه میخواهند می رسند و سوال بی جوابی ندارند . مرموز هستند و در دنیای خودشانزندگی می کنند و باید یاد بگیرند در این دنیا چه چیزی قابل قبول است و چهچیزی نه!
آدم کله گنده :''هشت'' ها حلال مشکلات هستند. اساسی و حرفه ای سراغ مشکل رفته و آن را حل میکنند. قضاوتی درست دارند و بسیار مصمم هستندو طرحهاو نقشه های بزرگی دارندو دوست دارند زندگی خوبی داشته باشند. مسوولیت افراد را بر عهده می گیرندو مردم را با هدف خاص خود می بینند. با شرایط ویژه ای این امکان رابه وجودمی آورند که دیگران همیشه آنها را رئیس ببینند.
اجرا کننده و بازیگر :''نه'' ها ذاتا هنرمند هستند . بسیار دلسوز دیگران و بخشنده بوده و آخرین پولجیب خود را نیز برای کمک به دیگران خرج میکنند . با جذابیت ذاتی شان اصلادر دوست یابی مشکلی ندارند و هیچ ** برای آنها فرد غریبه ای به حساب نمیآید.در حالات مختلف شخصیت های متفاوتی از خود بروز می دهند و برای افرادیکه اطرافشان هستند شناخت این افراد کمی دشوار به نظر می رسد . آنها شبیهبازیگرانی هستند که در موقعیت های مختلف رفتارهای متفاوتی نشان می دهند.افرادی خوش شانس هستند اما خیلی وقتها از آینده خود بیمناک و نسبت به آنهراسان هستند. آنها برای موفقیت باید به یک دوستی و عشق دو جانبه که میتواند مکملشان در زندگی باشد دست یابند.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


*Happy 15th Shaaban,I hope Allah guide us to the right way *


congratulation to all of belivers on the occasion of the birthday of our beloved master HAZRATE MAHDI (a.t.f.s)

سلام بر شعبان و اعیادش
سلام بر حسین و عباسش
سلام بر سجاد و سجده هایش
سلام بر نیمه شعبان و مولودش
تبریک زمینیان و افلاکیان بر مولود زهرای اطهر
نیمه شعبان بر تمامی مسلمین جهان مبارک و میمون باد

Does this tomato carry a message from God?

According to a reporter from the Express newspaper, UK, they were calling it the Miracle Tomato of Huddersfield. For when a schoolgirl sliced it in half she found written inside what thousands believe to be a message from God. Moslem Shasta Aslam 14, was astounded to see the words, spelled out in Arabic, "There is only one God" and "Mohammed is the messenger" in the veins of the each segment.
Then more than 50 worshippers a day were making a pilgrimage from all over Britain to see the wonderful tomato. And the shop which sold it has been doing roaring trade in the fruit since the find on that Sunday afternoon. Shasta made the discovery as she helped her grand parents prepare a salad at their terraced home in Lockwood, Huddersfield.
She paid about 60 pence for a bag of tomatoes on a trip to a store across the road with her cousin, 14-year-old Jasmine Saleem. When Shasta returned she cut up the first two tomatoes into small pieces. But she took a third from the brown paper bag, something made her stop. She turned to her grandfather Noor Mohammed, 68 and asked: "Which way shall I cut the tomato, granddad?"

He told her to slice it top to bottom. If she had chopped it up like the others the message would have been lost. Shasta, a pupil at Salendine Nook High School, said yesterday: "God made me buy that tomato. These words are a message from God. It's a miracle."
Shasta's mother Shamim Javed, said: "She keeps up her prayers and goes down to the mosque as often as she can God has sent us all a sign." She added "You hear about these things in foreign countries but never here in Britain - let alone Huddersfield! It was an incredible twist of fate that the tomato ended up with Shasta. "Someone else could easily have sliced the tomato the other way round, or even eaten without noticing the message inside."
Shasta's grandfather has been greeting hundreds of worshippers from across the country at his home. He kept the tomato on a plate in his fridge hoping to preserve it as long as possible. "Nearly 200 people had come from as far away as Manchester, Birmingham and London to see it," he said. "We are expecting a lot more people from further afield.
"Shasta comes to see us almost every day after saying prayers at the mosque. She is always helping us out." Shopkeeper Shahida Parveera, who works at Younas Foodstore across the road, has been selling out of tomatoes every day since the discovery. "We are thinking of opening a tomato trade," he said.
Last year hundreds of Asians flocked to the home of a man in Bolton who believed he had received a message from Allah in an Aubergine. Factory worker Salim Patel sliced one open and saw that the seeds spelled out the name of the Moslem deity.

Allah's names

These are the names of God

اسامی مبارک خداوند

Friday, August 8, 2008

Intersting galaxy's photo

These are the most intersting photo from NASA .

این هم عکس هایی جالب از سازمان ناسا

Monday, August 4, 2008

Read & laugh

Quick thinking
One night a hotel caught fire, and the people who were staying in it ran out in their night clothes. Two men stood outside and looked at the fire.
“Before I came out” said one, “I ran into some of the rooms and found a lot of money. People don’t think of money when they’re afraid. When anyone leaves paper money in a fire. The fire burns it. So I took all the notes that I could find. No one will be poorer because I took them.
“You don’t know me.” Said the other,” and you don’t know my work.”
“What is your work?”
“I’m a policeman.”
Oh! Cried the first man. He thought quickly and said to other one:”Do you know my job?”
“No,” said the policeman.
“I’m a writer. I’m always telling stories about things that never happened.”

ملانصر الدین
روزی جنازه ا ی را ا ز کوچه عبور می دادند . پسر ملا نصرا لدین پرسید: با با در این صند وق چیست ؟
ملا گفت : آدم . پسر پرسید: بابا کجا می برند ش؟
ملا گفت : جائی که نه خـــورد نی دا رد نه نوشیــــــد نی نه نا ن دارد نه آ ب و نه هــیزم دا رد نه آتش.
" پسر گفت : " بابا پس بگو منز ل ما می برند ش

Islamic Principles

The best and most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or even touched. they must be felt with the heart.

گرامی ترین و زیباترین ها در جهان نه دیده می شود و نه حتی لمس می شوند.آن ها را تنها باید در دل احساس کرد

A little reflection about the universe and its perfect design leads a rational mind nowhere except to acknowledge the existence of a supreme creator and a marvelous designer.

How it is possible that this glorious mural of life was created without a purpose and without a wise artist.
It is not uncommon that wise people at some point in their life wonder:
Who is this creator?
Why were we created?
Who are we?
Where are we going?
Islam provides comprehensive solutions and satisfying answers to these and many other important similar life questions. Islam acknowledges this Creator as One All-Supreme God, the Almighty.

In Islam, The God is All-knowing, All-Seeing, All-powerful and without any imperfection and without any deficiency.

This article is a humble effort to introduce the basic teachings of Islam in clear and simple words. You are requested to read this with an open and rational mind for the sake of finding the ultimate truth.

*O mankind! We created you from a single soul, male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may come to know one another. Truly, the most honored of you in God's sight is the greatest of you in piety. God is All-Knowing, All-Aware. (Quran, 49:13)*